Friday, July 07, 2006

An Ode to the Border (China's Tibet/Nepal)

Oh, Border
How you rain down on the wild earth and peoples's old plans like a fierce hailing curtain.
In accurate, vast shotgun spreading cone unto the earth
Seemingly from heaven poured or earth's numina arisen

Oh, Border
Your gaudy artifice begs itself into wilderness's naturalized face and yet stands apart and wholly as an abomination to persons, love, peace, and economy.
All those big words carry you to your moral grave where you will rot (I hope).

Oh, Border
How your visage in the crooked rearview mirror relieves me from State Supervision.
How your cascading valleys into the lush Nepali jungle guide my stirred heart home to the Valley of Himalayan valleys, the garbage dump of the mountains and the holiest city


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