Friday, November 04, 2005

Padmasambhava to Trisong Detsen upon his arrival in Tibet

And you, king of barbarian Tibet,
King of the country without virtue,
Uncouth men and ogres surround you.
You rely upon famine’s serfs,
And neither joy nor good humor are yours.
As for your queens, they are raksasi in human shape.
Beautiful purple ghouls surround them,
Sandalwood, turquoise, and gold adorn them;
But they have not hearts and no minds.
You are king, your lungs swell.
Great is your power, your liver is well-satisfied.
Scepter in hand and haughty, you stand high.
But I, sire, will not bow down before you.
And yet, in accordance with my conjoined vows,
Having come to the heart of Tibet, here I stay.
Great king, witness, have I come?


Blogger kittens not kids said...

"Beautiful purple ghouls surround them" - wow.

i will take this as your contribution to linguistic appreciation day.

my students disappointed me profoundly. you have not.

(where is this from?)

Friday, November 04, 2005 11:27:00 PM  
Blogger Breathing said...

padma bka' thang: the life story of padmasambhava.

Saturday, November 05, 2005 11:59:00 AM  

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