Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New Blog for the Summer

Howdy, long time no post.

I am writing up my summer adventure in Asia, mostly Tibet, at onupwords.blogspot.com.

Please check it out and excuse the brief hiatus. If blogger is not as consistently blocked in Lhasa as it has been in China, I will update this blog with more personal stuff.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

More Ultimate Video

This made my day.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

No Gods

Welcome to the Revolution.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Simians, Cyborgs, and Women

Thus is titled a book by Donna Haraway.

page 204: "My thesis is that the immune system is an elaborate icon for principal systems of symbolic and material 'difference' in late capitalism...The immune system is historically specific terrain, where global and local politics; Nobel Prize-winning research; heteroglossic cultural productions, from popular dietary practices, feminist science fiction, religious imagery, and children's games, to photographic techniques and military strategic theory; clinical mecial practice; venture capital investment strategies; world-changing developments in business and technology; and the deepest personal and collective experiences of embodiment, vulnerability, power, and mortality interact with an intensity matched perhaps only in the biopolitics of sex and reproduction."

Whew. And I thought Buddhism was cool.