Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's been a month.

Since I last wrote to this webbed world of words.

Today's topic is not the happiest, but apparently, isn't either the worst.

It is: Losing Friends

I won't go into details. In fact, the details are far less interesting than the larger theme. The details are mundane, they are boring, and they are brutally common. They are business, busy-ness, apathy, sadness, replacement, daily life, and many millions of other moments that conspire against the fixity of friendship.

I am particularly faced with this problem now that Graduate School seems to ask more of me. It asks me to read books all the time. It asks me to accept a never ending and always accumulating work load upon which my livelihood increasingly depends.

I have lived in my hometown, a vital and exciting place, for nearly six years and have met many wonderful people and engaged many wonderful projects. Many of these people and processes still abide in my daily environment. They have consistently produced joy and satisfaction for me and I love them.

Normally, if I were to severely alter or sever altogether my connection to them, it would be in relocation to another home, another place, another world, and sometimes even another language.

This time, I must remain in close proximity to my beloved social networks as I step away from them. This is nominally because of school work and the need to focus, work hard, and produce.

I don't like it. I am told it is normal and okay.

I still don't like it.


Blogger Nick said...

Why do something that you don't like? Can you do a Sackian weave of work and play? Ring me up.
PS. My word verification for this comment is xzsjc. That's a lot of scrabble points, and I WILL use it as a real word from now on. :-)

Friday, January 26, 2007 5:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely know where you're coming from. It's tough to get buried in your work and feel so cut off from what is so close and tangible. I think that's why I commonly seek out low maintenance people that are just as busy as I am: I won't feel guilty about not being around much and know that they're just as busy.

If it's something that really concerns you, then make it a priority to see people. Find something, even if it's just for a little time, that you can do with friends on a semi-regular basis. It feels weird to schedule social time, but that's really the trick in an otherwise busy schedule. One thing I like to do is agree to meet friends at coffee shops to study. That way we can be productive but be around each other to take breaks occasionally.

That's all I got. Good luck! Maybe I'll see you around.

Friday, February 02, 2007 9:49:00 AM  

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