Friday, April 28, 2006

Neat Ultimate Video

Good soundtrack and smooth Ultimate.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Intersubjectivity: Episode 2

So, I was surprised they had thought of me to mediate a dispute in their relationship. Whether I thought this as I climbed out of sleep or have projected it back, I cannot tell. The next moment, I thought, “maybe they wan me to meditate because I am so far from them.”

Matt answered my questions by saying that it couldn’t wait because it involved me. I thought, “Jeez.” Actually, I probably didn’t. For some reason I did not see what was going on as a trap. Instead, I saw it as a moment of need in which I had been called by the needy, the pained, the desperate to help. It was convenient that this needy one lived in the same home. I didn’t even have to change out of my pajamas. I figured it was an opportunity I couldn’t ignore. Actually, I really thought that I could go help.

I slipped on my plastic orange clogs and wrapped myself in a purple shawl. I was ritually garbed and ready to go into the spiritual battlefield.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Follow the Nepali Revolution

If you have been wondering what is going on in Nepal these days, check out United We Blog.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


a new blog for your consumption

Friday, April 07, 2006

Intersubjectivity: Episode 1

Last Saturday night, I experienced an altering event. It has changed the way I feel, think, and am. It was a moment of insight into intersubjectivity. The event itself was intersubjective in its way. Well, I will tell the story and see if I can illustrate intersubjectivity in the story. It may take a few episodes.

Saturday night, I was awakened a bit after midnight. It was a housemate of mine. We will name him Matt in this story. He knocked on the door. I groaned myself to slight levels of consciousness and called through the thick fog of sleep, “hello?” He responded, “Yeah, Chris, it's Matt.” I said confusedly, “yeah? Go ahead and open the door.” The door’s weight dragged open by the negative pull of Matt’s hand. The glare of fluorescence struck through, pushing its way past Matt’s shoulder and clamoring into the room. Matt was more gentle and stood politely at the threshold with the door half open. He may have said more in explanation since the initial insertion of his presence into my object field, but I do not recall. I was lost in the haze between sleep and waking. Soon after that indefinite haze, I heard him request my presence as a mediator (or “quasi-mediator” as he later recalled) in a dispute between himself and his girlfriend/partner/whatever. A little more awake, I asked if it could wait until the next day when I would be fully awake and not sleeping. I sympathized with the request for mediation: I think it is important and admirable to notice when outside mediation is needed to move past a rough spot in a relationship.

However, I thought it was a bit odd that he would ask me since both he and his g/p/w named Julie had taken to icing me for 3-5 months. That is: they gave me the cold shoulder, sometimes answering me as briefly as possible in conversation and other times completely ignoring me to the point of not even acknowledging I had said “hi.”

Tune in next time.

Judas was framed.

And you thought Christianity was weird. It gets weirder.

It turns out, according the Gospel of Judas (which was recently radio-carbon dated to 300 AD), that Jesus requested that Judas hand him over to the Romans "so he could fulfill his redemptive mission."

This was reported by the Arizona Republic.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wisconsinites: "Out of Iraq"

Today, a couple dozen cities in Wisconsin voted on referenda demanding immediate withdrawal of US forces from Iraq. It attracted "front page" headlines from Google News. Here is the Reuters article as well. Neither are stable, I suspect.

Monday, April 03, 2006

News Flash

The Diocese of Limburg was "erected" on August 16, 1821.

Hmm...maybe that is not a news flash.

Image credit: Herr Joachim Pick's woodcut via St Leonhard's Church in Frankfurt.

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