Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Ides

If you had forgotten, this is about the time when Julius Caesar's Senate and friends jacked him. And by jacked him, I mean stabbed him. A lot. Recalling this reminds me of a few things:

-Cferrin5's birthday was yesterday
-Ambition kills
-One's friends will sometimes jack one
-Revolution is afoot
-If everyone takes one shot,
there will be a bloody pulp on the floor
-This approach to murder disperses guilt across many,
thereby absolving all
-New College
-March is one of my favorite months based on
1)Racine's micro-climate
2)Sweet first kisses on foggy shores
-I have about a month to finish my thesis


Blogger kittens not kids said...

interesting....i've been thinking rather a lot about a number of items from your list. now i can add the Caesar-influenced items to my "to-consider" list.

your thesis will finish wonderfully. flowers are beginning to get ready to bloom.

i will never stab you and disperse guilt across a multitude.

new college looks the same as it always did.

Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the same artist...

Jean-Leon Gerome

Saturday, March 18, 2006 5:04:00 PM  

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